
Shipping & Returns

Where do you ship? How much does shipping cost?

We ship worldwide, shipping and delivery is free.
Delivery within 5 working days from recieving payment for EU. 

What methods of shipping do you offer?

We use DHL for shipping.

Can I change my shipping address after my order has been placed?

Yes, until your order has been shipped, it is possible to change your delivery address. Please contact us at describing your change request.

My tracking information states “delivered”, but I have not received my order. What should I do?

Please send us an email to with number of your order.

I wish to return my recently purchased Turcani sack, what should I do?

You can return unused Turcani sack within 14 days from the date of delivery. Please send us an email regarding your withdrawal from the Contract to our e-mail address: and enclose the Notice of withdrawal form (The Notice of withdrawal).

It is possible to return Turcani sack within 14 days form the date of delivery of your order.

You can return unused Turcani sack within 14 days from the date of delivery. Please send us an email regarding your withdrawal from the Contract to our e-mail address: and enclose the Notice of Withdrawal form (The Notice of withdrawal).